Thursday, December 29, 2016

Being Grateful

    Have we been grateful enough in our lives? This is one question not many of us ask ourselves? Our external surroundings have made our disposition so ambitious that we are always left wanting for 'More'. Never quite satisfied with what we have or what we have 'achieved'. Dissatisfaction leads to us complaining about things that we don't have without being grateful for what we already have.

    I belonged to the breed of people who were forever dissatisfied with all that I was blessed with. I have a wonderful family (a big one - so there is always something to do :)). I had great education, landed up with a fairly good job, was able to mould myself to the environment which required me to have a certain type of living and just so much more. All of this I took for granted. I was always left comparing myself with others who I perceived were luckier than I was. Never quite content. Never quite happy.

    As it happens with many of us, we don't tend to realize the value of things till they happen to leave us. I had some such sort of realization in the middle of 2015 when the things I took for granted began to leave me for a while. I complained again thinking how unfortunate I have been and that nature has been particularly unfair to me as it had been all along. This went on for a while till realization began to dawn on me. Have I been grateful to nature, to God for all the things I have had? Never really.
My past just threw at me images of constant complaints and great dissatisfaction. Anger and frustration towards why I have not been luckier. There are so may less fortunate and they seem happier - simply because they are so thankful for what they have. And why shouldn't one be? It isn't in nature's nature to see one of its part (which is you) sad. So it will bless you will all that you 'Need' (may not be with all that you 'Want'). There will be a few course corrections where your mind may make you think you have been left alone but hey - it is for you to get better.

    The path to this realization was abrupt. But I am glad I had it. I have been happier on account of this. Less whining. Less frustrated. More willing to help than being subsumed under my perceived lack of fortune and yes - more willing to pass on the message that others should be thankful as well

    Now here is another question - Who should we be grateful to? Well - just about everybody and everything. To mother nature - first of all or to that everlasting force who you think is the provider.

   I am a firm believer in the idea that get what we make of ourselves and the world around. Discontent begets more discontent. And satisfaction attracts more satisfaction. Just willing to be grateful and agreeing to be satisfied makes you feel more and more content. It may or may not make you have things you 'Want' to be satisfied but for sure you will be provided with things that you 'Need' to be satisfied. Satisfaction cannot be conditioned upon. It automatically comes when we accept things and are grateful for what we have

    Many might thing that it is just that ran into a bunch of troubles which has led me to becoming a "defeatist" in giving in to nature rather than fight for more. My surrender to nature has been a victory for me. It has helped made me calmer and more clear as to the way I should progress. I do not have to fight for more. With a clearer mind I am able to walk the path which will help me continue getting what I need. It never is a war against circumstances - but a willingness to accept them and then walk the right path

    The world will be a better place if people are more content than desiring for more. There has been no magic wand for me to be content. The mind keeps wanting for more - it continues to challenge me to keep thinking about the 'More' than being happy with the present. More often than not I realize that I am not able to achieve the 'More' because I am just too troubled thinking about the 'More'. Being content and grateful just allows me to see things more clearly. It isn't an epiphany but a constant attempt to keep understanding that your present is beautiful. Happiness then begins to dawn naturally - that is the nature of nature

Sunday, December 25, 2016

The New Me

As I begin to pen my thoughts in this brand new Blog of mine, I realize that perhaps the Subject line of this post may seem too cliched, post epiphany kinda of a name :)

I have had a number of self realizations but the ones that I have experienced over the last year and a half are the ones that have made be understand life (in this world and beyond) in an entirely different manner. Of course, I have not been alone in this journey and I have had my frequent companion who you will discover if you take time off to read some of my other posts.

At the present time I do feel it is the new me. Not the new spiritual me but just the new me. I do not think the spiritual me can possibly be any different that the present me. It can't be. It is not meant to be