Friday, August 30, 2019

My Journey on the spiritual path - How it started!

It has been quite some time since I have penned down my thoughts in this blog. It is not that I have not been spiritually connected all this while. The last few years have taken me evermore into the deep jungles of the discovery of one’s self. As I reflect on this journey, I am inclined to think what really started it. I remember I used to be quite religious when I was much younger. I always used to pray to God for good grades in school and apologize to him for when I thought I had committed a mistake. Years rolled on and I had started to get more entrenched in worldly affairs learning incorrect life principles and moving far and far away from the source, so much so that for a good length of bout three years I had doubted the existence of anything supernatural (a directing force).

Then while working at my first job after MBA back in 2014, a colleague of mine (spiritually inclined himself) had predicted that I would someday walk the path of spirituality and progress on it quite satisfactorily. He had asked me to read the book “Many masters many lives” by Brian L. Weiss who many people believe was the premier authority on past life regression therapy continuing up to this day. For starters, past life regression in like hypnosis therapy albeit more intense in which you are put into a deep state of relaxation which helps you access your deep states of consciousness, several instances of which are from lives before this present life of yours. The fact that the writer was himself a non-believer in past lives but through clinically designed methods was able to help his patients undergo these deep states revealing information which led to their healing led me into believing into the super natural once again. How else would you make sense of lives beyond your present material self? There has got to be something “non-material” to carry consciousness from one life into another. I would encourage all to buy a copy of this book. It is quite a read. Enthralling and making you question your deep seated believes about materialism.

I am a slow reader so it took me some time to finish the book (a few weeks, I think) but it really helped open my mind up to possibilities other than what we experience in our day to day live. I wanted to read more books of this kind. A few from the same author such as “Only Love is real” and “Same Soul many bodies”. As I read these, I became more and more disenchanted with the belief I held that the life we live presently is the only one and that everything comes to an end after death. More so, it resurrected by belief that Love is the essence of life and is the only reality. Since then I joined Maitribodh (a socio-spiritual organization) (  under the guidance of Guruji “Dadashreeji” and it has been a lovely journey. I will write more about this journey of mine in another post. For those that have tumbled upon this post accidentally or because I sent you the link for it 😊, I would like to share the names of a few more books that have been excellent reads while starting or reinforcing your belief in spirituality. Note my words “reinforcing”; the material world and our set patterns of living will always make you question the spiritual path that you plan to take

-          “Three waves of volunteers and the new Earth” by Dolores Cannon

-          “The laws of the spirit world” by Khorshed Bhavnagri

-          “An autobiography of a Yogi” by Swami Paramhansa Yogananda

-          “Love is not an emotion” by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

-          “Silence” by Thich Naht Hanh

-          “The Holy Science” by Sri Yukteswar Giri

-          “Dying to  be me” by Anita Moorjani

-          “Coming home to Lemuria” by Charmian Redwood

-          “Memories of heaven” by Dr. Wayne W Dyer

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